I’m a technical undergrad with a passion for data enabled products. In the past, I’ve leveraged data to provide solutions in a variety of domains. Specifically,
- in sales to add any data point to your CRM @cognito
- in eccommerce to optimize storefronts and generate incremental revenue for DTC brands @directed with Yash
- in education to bring automated language practice and feedback to over 70k students @hablame
- in game developement to enable rapid sketch based 3d asset search @ncsoft
- in healthcare to denoise hard to read EEG scans @stanfordmed
- and in a bunch of other projects
Right now I’m curious about (1) applying casual infererence to behavioral data and (2) mapping narratives/identities in our society.
You can find what I’ve been thinking about in posts, what I’ve been working on in projects, where I’ve been working in experience.
Or for a brief summary, view my resume.
I’m currently at Stanford, where I’m persuing a dual degree in philosophy and religious studies with minors in math and cs. On campus, I’m involved with other student entrepreuners as co-president of Stanford’s VC club.
Skills & Tools
My favorite programming languages are Python, JavaScript, Java, C++, and C.
My go to ML and data tools include Pytorch, Tensorflow, and Numpy.
When I’m buidling webapps I often use React, TailwindCSS, Ant.design, Flask, FastAPI, Redis, NoSQL, and Postgres.
And Lastly, when I develop and deploy Git, Docker, AWS, GCP, and Firebase.
You can email me at daniel.longo@stanford.edu. On GitHub, my username is daniellongo. On Twitter, my handle is @danieldlongo.