Hey, I'm Daniel Longo.

I’m a technical undergrad with a passion for data enabled products. In the past, I’ve leveraged data to provide solutions in a variety of domains. Specifically,

  • in sales to add any data point to your CRM @cognito
  • in eccommerce to optimize storefronts and generate incremental revenue for DTC brands @directed with Yash
  • in education to bring automated language practice and feedback to over 70k students @hablame
  • in game developement to enable rapid sketch based 3d asset search @ncsoft
  • in healthcare to denoise hard to read EEG scans @stanfordmed
  • and in a bunch of other projects

Right now I’m curious about (1) applying casual infererence to behavioral data and (2) mapping narratives/identities in our society.

You can find what I’ve been thinking about in posts, what I’ve been working on in projects, where I’ve been working in experience.

Or for a brief summary, view my resume.


I’m currently at Stanford, where I’m persuing a dual degree in philosophy and religious studies with minors in math and cs. On campus, I’m involved with other student entrepreuners as co-president of Stanford’s VC club.

Skills & Tools

My favorite programming languages are Python, JavaScript, Java, C++, and C.
My go to ML and data tools include Pytorch, Tensorflow, and Numpy.
When I’m buidling webapps I often use React, TailwindCSS, Ant.design, Flask, FastAPI, Redis, NoSQL, and Postgres.
And Lastly, when I develop and deploy Git, Docker, AWS, GCP, and Firebase.


You can email me at daniel.longo@stanford.edu. On GitHub, my username is daniellongo. On Twitter, my handle is @danieldlongo.

Hi! If you made it this far, maybe you want to stay in touch. You can follow me on Twitter, or sign up for my infrequent letter.

Daniel Longo, 2022
forked from milesmcc