Why I'm not Taking CS Classes this Spring

Mar 22, 2022 Stanford Life

In my first two quarters at Stanford, I’ve taking four CS courses (cs106, cs107, cs124, and cs224n), and while these classes where enjoyable, I won’t be taking any this Spring. This is in part because I simply won’t have the time, but also an intentional decision of mine.

Last quarter, I didn’t make much progress on projects and yet I was coding all day, talking about tech over meals, and in the PRL (product realization lab) at night building. But at the end of the quarter, I have nothing to show for, just graded problem sets.

What is scary to me is that taking these CS classes and talking about tech scratched my itch to build just enough that I was satisfied without actually building anything. So by taking no engineering classes this Spring, my hope is I’ll actually end up building something. ∎

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Daniel Longo, 2022
forked from milesmcc