On My Personal Bias

Nov 10, 2022 bias

Noting that every essay you read is slanted with bias, I hope to make explicit some of my own. Sometimes, I may try to push narratives that fit my own profile, experience, and ambition. Beware.

Building Centric and Production Learning
I’ve gotten this critic from a few friends that I’m too biased towards building and “production learning.” For me personally, one of my “x factors” is the ability to ship code quickly so to learn quickest sometimes means tinkering. Obviously, this is not universally true. Reading and talking to experts are often faster ways to learn about verticals, technologies, and markets than building in them.

Faster Timescale
I’m young and impatient. I want good things to be possible on quick timelines and the “optimal” path to have a lot of early wins. I want to convince myself this is possible.

Certain Success
I want achieving success to be deterministic. Obviously, this isn’t so, but I’d sure like to convince myself.

This is a growing list and shall continue to evolve as I write. Last updated Nov/2022 ∎

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Daniel Longo, 2022
forked from milesmcc