
Mobile App for Events @ Stanford

My freshman fall, there were really cool events on campus I just wouldn’t find out till after the fact. Many of these events are promoted via email lists.

I subscribed myself to 3000 Stanford internal mailing lists and wrote a parser to sift through them and a web dashboard for additional human annotations.

With these feed of events, Yash and I created nomo a mobile app providing a feed of events on Stanford campus.

Students are recommended events that fit their interests and can see who’s going.

The app was coded in js with ReactNative on the frontend and Python with Flask on the backend. We used firebase for our db and auth.

check it out ->

Hi! If you made it this far, maybe you want to stay in touch. You can follow me on Twitter, or sign up for my infrequent letter.

Daniel Longo, 2022
forked from milesmcc